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- Land:
- Germany 2015, 90 min, ab 12
- Genres:
- Comedy
- Regie:
- Martina Plura
- Drehbuch:
- Paul Florian Müller, Paul Salisbury
- Darsteller:
- Matthias Bundschuh, Fabian Busch, Lotta Doll, Lena Dörrie, Marie Tanaka Kretschmer, Jerry Kwarteng, David Scheller, Nils Schulz, Tom Sielski, Aljoscha Stadelmann
- Wertungen:
- 5.9 6.6
Journalist Viktor has lost his job at a large investigative magazine and ekes out his existence as a houseman in the suburbs cleaning, cooking and diapering his daughter Nele. Wife Alex provides the family income as a veterinarian. One day, "Mr. Neumann" moves into the neighboring house. Viktor finds out that the new guy is actually the hidden motorcycle ... weiter auf imdb.com
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