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Villa Eva
- Land:
- Germany 2019, 89 min
- Genres:
- Comedy, Drama
- Regie:
- Michael Riebl
- Darsteller:
- Andreas Anke, Mohammad-Ali Behboudi, Katharina Behrens, Bejo Dohmen, Ralf Drexler, Paul Faßnacht, Stefan Puntigam, Deniz Cooper, Jaschar Sarabtchian, Reiner Schöne
- Wertungen:
- 5.0 7.0
When she was young, Countess Eva Marie-Luise von Aspach-Ney was fascinated by the ideas of the 1968 era. She left the Saarland and her loved ones in no time and lived her wild years in Berlin. After the death of her father she returned to the Saarland and the villa is her only basis of life. As a consequence of her idiosyncratic and stubborn life, Eva's ... weiter auf imdb.com
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