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Verräter - Tod am Meer
- Land:
- Germany 2017, 89 min
- Genres:
- Thriller
- Regie:
- Franziska Meletzky
- Drehbuch:
- Stefanie Veith, Nils Willbrandt
- Darsteller:
- Albrecht Schuch, Hannah Herzsprung, Anian Zollner, Christian Redl, Uwe Preuss, Jan Messutat, Birte Hanusrichter, Angelika Bartsch, Dominik Bliefert, Albrecht Ganskopf
- Wertungen:
- 5.8 5.9
In 1988, Johanna Schön's corpse is fished out of the Baltic Sea in the DDR. The police officer Martin discovers a possible political motive for her shooting. When the victim's husband is killed as well, the Stasi takes over the case. weiter auf imdb.com
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