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Unterm Radar
- Land:
- Germany 2015, 89 min
- Genres:
- Drama, Thriller
- Regie:
- Elmar Fischer
- Drehbuch:
- Henriette Buegger
- Darsteller:
- Christiane Paul, Heino Ferch, Fabian Hinrichs, Inka Friedrich, Matthias Matschke, Carolina Vera, Hans Werner Meyer, Linn Sara Reusse, Lara Mandoki, Nursel Köse
- Wertungen:
- 6.4 6.7
The orderly world of German judge Elke Seeberg goes completely out of joint when a terrorist bomb explodes in a Berlin bus and the federal police come bursting through her door: Allegedly her teenage daughter played a part in the attack and is now on the run. The following is a kafkaesque nightmare of illegal round-the-clock surveillance by the secret ... weiter auf imdb.com
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