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Totally F***ed Up
- Land:
- USA 1993, 78 min
- Genres:
- Drama, Komödie, Liebesfilm
- Regie:
- Gregg Araki
- Darsteller:
- James Duval, Roko Belic, Susan Behshid, Jenee Gill, Gilbert Luna, Lance May, Alan Boyce, Craig Gilmore, Nicole Dillenberg, Johanna Went
- Wertungen:
- 6.3 5.6
Life really sucks for a group of gay and lesbian teenagers living in Los Angeles. Their parents kicked them out, they're broke and bored, their lovers cheat on them, they're harassed by gay-bashers. If things are going to be this way, maybe suicide isn't a bad idea; at least not in the mind of Andy, our major protagonist, who gives the film its title by ... weiter auf imdb.com
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