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The Green Room
- Land:
- United States 2016
- Genres:
- Comedy
- Regie:
- Rich Sturdevant
- Darsteller:
- Kevin Michael Shiley, Nico Fragoso, Danielle Montezinos, Andre Bello-Jones, Sarah A. Newton, Polet LaMiroite, Stew Hartman-Mart, Kevin Kittridge, Melissa Corkern, Andrew J. Hillis
- Wertungen:
- 5.5 k.A.
Patrick Jason moves to California to secure the Job of his dreams - studying the biochemistry of plants. But when no reputable company is willing to hire the inexperienced young twenty-two year old, he turns to the only place that will allow him to work with plants. A medical marijuana dispensary known as the Green Room. It's a classic fish out of water ... weiter auf imdb.com
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