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"Terra X - Expedition ins Unbekannte" Dracula - Die wahre Geschichte der Vampire
- Land:
- 2013, 44 min
- Genres:
- Documentary, History
- Regie:
- Jens Monath, Heike Schmidt
- Darsteller:
- Christian Baumann, Christian Schult, Mark Benecke, Clare Downham, Otilia Hedesan, Mark Horton
- Wertungen:
- 5.7 6.0
Follows the myth of the vampire from its origins to today, showing how its character has changed over the centuries. For some time, the vampire world is divided into good and evil. But her all role model is Count Dracula. The search leads to the small villages of Transylvania and the steppes of Wallachia, where the myth still lives today, as well as the ... weiter auf imdb.com
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