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Stop Making Sense
- Land:
- United States 1984, 88 min, ab 0
- Genres:
- Documentary, Music
- Regie:
- Jonathan Demme
- Drehbuch:
- Jonathan Demme, Talking Heads
- Darsteller:
- Bernie Worrell, Alex Weir, Steven Scales, Lynn Mabry, Ednah Holt, Tina Weymouth, Jerry Harrison, Chris Frantz, David Byrne, Talking Heads
- Wertungen:
- 8.7 7.1
David Byrne walks onto the stage and does a solo "Psycho Killer." Jerry Harrison, Tina Weymouth and Chris Frantz join him for two more songs. The crew is busy, still setting up. Then, three more musicians and two back-up singers join the band. Everybody sings, plays, harmonizes, dances, and runs. They change instruments and clothes. Bryne appears in the Big ... weiter auf imdb.com
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