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- Land:
- Germany 2010, 102 min, ab 12
- Genres:
- Comedy, Crime, Drama
- Regie:
- Dennis Todorovic
- Drehbuch:
- Dennis Todorovic
- Darsteller:
- Sasa Kekez, Predrag Bjelac, Ljubisa Gruicic, Zeljka Preksavec, Gosia Konieczna, Tim Bergmann, Jasin Mjumjunov, Yvonne Yung Hee, Arno Kempf, Werner Strenger
- Wertungen:
- 6.7 6.3
While Sasha's mother is dreaming of her son's great career as a pianist, Sasha is left speechless for other reasons: his beloved piano teacher Mr. Weber tells him, he is leaving town forever. Sasha is heartbroken, and the only person in whom he can confide his feelings, is his best friend, Jiao. As a son of an Ex-Yugoslav family even in Germany one rarely ...
In seinem Debütfilm erzählt der Kölner Regisseur Dennis Todorovic gekonnt eine schwule Coming-out-Geschichte vor multikulturellem Hintergrund. ... weiter auf critic.de
Trailer bei YouTube und bei critic.de
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