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Rock Hudson - Schöner fremder Mann
- Land:
- Germany, France, Austria, Finland 2010, 95 min
- Genres:
- Biography, Documentary
- Regie:
- Andrew Davies, André Schäfer
- Drehbuch:
- Andrew Davies, André Schäfer
- Darsteller:
- Rock Hudson, Armistead Maupin, Yanou Collart, Sean O. Strub, Michael Gottlieb, Stockton Briggle, Mervyn Silverman, Richard Dyer, Tom Santopietro, Robert Hofler
- Wertungen:
- 6.9 7.7
Twenty five years after the death of Rock Hudson, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, biographers and movie historians discuss his career, his personal life and his death, all especially in relation to his closeted homosexuality. Born Roy Fitzgerald, Hudson treated who was known as "Rock Hudson" as being a studio creation that was somewhat outside himself. ... weiter auf imdb.com
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