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Rock Ba-Casba
- Land:
- France, Israel 2012, 93 min
- Genres:
- Action, Drama, Geschichte
- Regie:
- Yariv Horowitz
- Drehbuch:
- Guy Meirson, Yariv Horowitz
- Darsteller:
- Yon Tumarkin, Roy Nik, Henry David, Lavi Zitner, Yotam Ishay, Iftach Rave, Shmulik Chelben, Angel Bonanni, Khawlah Hag-Debsy, Adel Abou Raya
- Wertungen:
- 6.5 k.A.
The year is 1989. In an era of Palestinian demands for independence, the State of Israel sends young soldiers to oversee the Arab population in the Occupied Territories. After one of them is killed, the common fate of four young soldiers and one Palestinian family is sealed. The film describes the extraordinary journey of a young soldier trying to find his ... weiter auf imdb.com
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