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- Land:
- France, Italy 2012, 116 min, ab 18
- Genres:
- Comedy, Drama
- Regie:
- Matteo Garrone
- Drehbuch:
- Maurizio Braucci, Ugo Chiti, Matteo Garrone, Massimo Gaudioso
- Darsteller:
- Aniello Arena, Loredana Simioli, Nando Paone, Nello Iorio, Nunzia Schiano, Rosaria D'Urso, Giuseppina Cervizzi, Claudia Gerini, Raffaele Ferrante, Paola Minaccioni
- Wertungen:
- 6.8 6.1
Luciano is a Neapolitan fishmonger who supplements his modest income by pulling off little scams together with his wife Maria. A likeable, entertaining guy, Luciano never misses an opportunity to perform for his customers and countless relatives. One day his family urge him to try out for Big Brother. In chasing this dream his perception of reality begins ... weiter auf imdb.com
Ein bodenloses Fass namens Wirklichkeit. ... weiter auf critic.de
Trailer bei YouTube und bei critic.de
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