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Palast Hotel
- Land:
- West Germany, Switzerland 1952, 90 min, ab 12
- Genres:
- Drama
- Regie:
- Emil Berna, Leonard Steckel
- Drehbuch:
- Richard Schweizer, William Michael Treichlinger
- Darsteller:
- Paul Hubschmid, Käthe Gold, Anne-Marie Blanc, Claude Farell, Liliana Tellini, Gustav Knuth, Emil Hegetschweiler, Zarli Carigiet, Max Haufler, Alfred Rasser
- Wertungen:
- 6.7 7.5
The Palace, a world-renowned hotel in St. Moritz, is preparing for the winter season under the guidance of its beautiful lady manager. In this hive buzz Staub, the old waiter, his daughter, the telephone operator, Fredy, the playboy kitchen porter who is very much in demand by lonely female customers, the chambermaids Speranza, Fredy's fiancée, and Emilie, ... weiter auf imdb.com
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