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Die künstlichen Stimmungen
- Land:
- Portugal 2016, 30 min
- Genres:
- Drama, Short
- Regie:
- Gabriel Abrantes
- Darsteller:
- Margarida Lucas, Patricia Soso, Amanda Rodarte, Gilda Nomacce, Ivo Müller, Jeann Segundo, Mateus Rolim Rodrigues, Rafaela Rocha
- Wertungen:
- 6.3 k.A.
Using a mix of Hollywood aesthetics with documentary strategies, the film follows a young indigenous girl from the Xingu National Park to São Paulo, where she falls in love with a robot that also happens to be a stand-up comedian. This strange story mixes the anthropology of humor, indigenous communities, and artificial intelligence. - Gabriel Abrantes weiter auf imdb.com
Trailer bei YouTube
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