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Monsters of Man
- Land:
- Australia 2020, 131 min, ab 18
- Genres:
- Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
- Regie:
- Mark Toia
- Drehbuch:
- Jeff Hand, Mark Toia
- Darsteller:
- Neal McDonough, Brett Tutor, Jose Rosete, David Haverty, Paul Haapaniemi, Ryan Hough, Ly Ty, Ma Rynet, Kayli Tran, Jessica Blackmore
- Wertungen:
- 5.4 6.5
A robotics company teams up with a corrupt CIA agent undergoing an illegal, unsanctioned military operation. Dropping four prototype robots into a suspected drug manufacturing camp in the Golden triangle that no one will miss. The mission is to prove the robotics company is worthy of winning a lucrative military contract. Six doctors on a good cause witness ... weiter auf imdb.com
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