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Mit Burnout durch den Wald
- Land:
- Germany 2014, 88 min
- Genres:
- Comedy, Drama
- Regie:
- Michael Rowitz
- Drehbuch:
- Markus B. Altmeyer
- Darsteller:
- Jutta Speidel, Walter Kreye, Maximilian von Pufendorf, Stefanie Stappenbeck, Martin Brambach, Paula Kalenberg, Birge Schade, Marie-Jeanne Gierden, Anselm Bresgott, Till Favier
- Wertungen:
- 5.8 5.9
Six wildly different people have no clue what's install for them on 'pioneering' burnout therapist Hannah's forest hike to a desolate hotel in Märkischen Schweiz, with some tricks to force them out of their comfort zones in completely different circumstances then those which gave them regular stress. Workaholic restructuring management consultant Johann ... weiter auf imdb.com
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