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Ungezähmte Catherine
- Land:
- France, Spain, Italy 1961, 98 min, ab 12
- Genres:
- Comedy, Drama, Romance
- Regie:
- Christian-Jaque
- Drehbuch:
- Jean Ferry, Henri Jeanson, Christian-Jaque, Ennio De Concini, Franco Solinas
- Darsteller:
- Sophia Loren, Robert Hossein, Renaud Mary, Léa Gray, Gianrico Tedeschi, Marina Berti, Enrique Ávila, Carlo Giuffrè, Fernando Sancho, Bruno Carotenuto
- Wertungen:
- 6.0 6.2
Catherine, an out-spoken Parisian laundress follows Napoleon's army to the battlefront to be near her Sergeant Lefevre. The couple perform a deed of heroism which abets Napoleon's victory, so that after the war the grateful Emperor bestows on the now married couple the title of Duke and Duchess. Catherine squabbles with Napoleon's haughty sisters, ... weiter auf imdb.com
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