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London Road
- Land:
- United Kingdom 2015, 91 min
- Genres:
- Crime, Drama, Musical
- Regie:
- Rufus Norris
- Drehbuch:
- Alecky Blythe
- Darsteller:
- Olivia Colman, Clare Burt, Rosalie Craig, Anita Dobson, James Doherty, Kate Fleetwood, Hal Fowler, Linzi Hateley, Paul Hilton, Nick Holder
- Wertungen:
- 5.2 5.5
London Road documents the events of 2006, when the quiet rural town of Ipswich was shattered by the discovery of the bodies of five women. The residents of London Road had struggled for years with frequent soliciting and kerb-crawling on their street. When a local resident was charged and then convicted of the murders, the community grappled with what it ... weiter auf imdb.com
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