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Level Up
- Land:
- United Kingdom 2016, 84 min, ab 16
- Genres:
- Action, Mystery, Thriller
- Regie:
- Adam Randall
- Drehbuch:
- Adam Randall, Gary Young
- Darsteller:
- Josh Bowman, Neil Maskell, William Houston, Kulvinder Ghir, Doc Brown, Leila Mimmack, Christina Ulfsparre, Paul Reynolds, Cameron Jack, Jonathan Arkwright
- Wertungen:
- 4.5 4.4
MATT and ANNA are a young couple living in London. Anna is starting her career and knows what she wants, whilst Matt is still struggling to find his purpose in life. On the surface they are happy but tensions are beginning to mount. Then one morning masked thugs break into the flat and kidnap Anna before assaulting Matt, locking him into a mysterious vest ... weiter auf imdb.com
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