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- Land:
- Germany, United Kingdom 2010, ab 12
- Genres:
- Drama, History, War
- Regie:
- Uwe Janson
- Drehbuch:
- Alan Bleasdale
- Darsteller:
- Andrew Buchan, Ken Duken, Lindsay Duncan, Thomas Kretschmann, Franka Potente, Jodi Balfour, Nicholas Burns, Jacob Matschenz, Ciarán McMenamin, Matthias Koeberlin
- Staffel:
- 1
- Wertungen:
- 7.0 5.9
Six hundred miles from the coast of Africa, in September 1942, a German U-boat, U-156, sinks the British troopship Laconia carrying 1,800 Italian POWs, 80 British civilians, and 268 Polish and British soldiers. After realising that there were POWs and civilians on-board, and that they are facing certain death without rescue, U-Boat Commander Werner ... weiter auf imdb.com
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