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8.0Katharine Hepburn: The Great Kate
- Land:
- Germany 2014, 76 min
- Genres:
- Biography, Documentary
- Regie:
- Rieke Brendel, Andrew Davies
- Drehbuch:
- Rieke Brendel, Andrew Davies
- Darsteller:
- Dick Cavett, Deborah Nadoolman, Robert S. Birchard, Jerry Adler, Mundy Hepburn, Barbara Maynard, Everett Raymond Kinstler, Henry Josten, Nina Kunzendorf, Katharine Hepburn
- Wertungen:
- 6.7 7.0
Peeps behind the scenes of the golden era of Hollywood to discover exactly how and why Katherine Hepburn became one of the most famous actresses in the glamorous world of cinema. She was an intellectual outsider with a headstrong personality who embodied a completely new charismatic female on screen. Creating an image is nothing new in Hollywood, but she ... weiter auf imdb.com
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