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Blown Apart
- Land:
- Cayman Islands, United Kingdom 2008, 96 min, ab 12
- Genres:
- Drama, Romance, Thriller
- Regie:
- Sharon Maguire
- Drehbuch:
- Sharon Maguire
- Darsteller:
- Michelle Williams, Ewan McGregor, Matthew Macfadyen, Nicholas Gleaves, Sidney Johnston, Usman Khokhar, Sasha Behar, Ed Hughes, Alibe, Stewart Wright
- Wertungen:
- 5.8 5.9
Grief, guilt, and betrayal. In North London, a young mother dotes on her four-year-old son and lives in a modest flat with her husband, a cop in the bomb squad. The Arsenal football team is their religion. On May Day, a major terrorist attack brings tragedy while she is in the arms of a rich reporter who lives over the road. She wishes she were dead. In ... weiter auf imdb.com
Wenn alles auseinandergerissen wird. Briefe an Osama bin Laden als Traumabewältigung. ... weiter auf critic.de
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