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4.5Halo 4 - Forward Unto Dawn
- Land:
- United States 2012, 15 min, ab 16
- Genres:
- Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
- Regie:
- Stewart Hendler
- Darsteller:
- Thom Green, Anna Popplewell, Enisha Brewster, Ayelet Zurer, Masam Holden, Mike Dopud, Iain Belcher, Osric Chau, Kat de Lieva, Daniel Cudmore
- Wertungen:
- 6.7 5.4
In 2525, as mankind has begun to colonise space, a group of cadets are training to fight against human insurrectionists. One of these cadets, Thomas Lasky, has doubts about his abilities as a soldier and his convictions for this war. Whilst he struggles with himself, the planet is invaded by an unknown alien race. Reeling under the assault, Lasky and his ... weiter auf imdb.com
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