Hier kannst du dich anmelden um Gladiators 2000 zu bewerten, kommentieren oder auf deinen Merkzettel zu setzen.
Gladiators 2000
- Land:
- United States 1994, 30 min
- Genres:
- Family, Game-Show
- Regie:
- Glenn Weiss
- Darsteller:
- Ryan Seacrest, Lee Reherman, John Simone, Maria Sansone, Rudy Coby, Peggy Odita, Valarie Rae Miller, Chad Haywood
- Wertungen:
- 4.6 k.A.
Children's version of the popular adult competition series "American Gladiators," where two teams of two competed to answer questions about health and fitness and competed in kiddie versions of American Glaidators events - Brian Rathjen weiter auf imdb.com
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