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Freifall - Eine Liebesgeschichte
- Land:
- Germany, Switzerland 2014, 82 min
- Genres:
- Adventure, Documentary, Drama
- Regie:
- Mirjam von Arx
- Darsteller:
- Herbert Weissmann, Andreas Dachtler, Irene Dachtler, Mirjam von Arx, Edeltraud Weissmann, Otto Weissmann, Chris MacDougall, Thomas Zwick, Silvia Zwick, Raphael Wick
- Wertungen:
- 5.6 7.0
I meet Herbert in the same week I get diagnosed with cancer. We fall madly in love and plan to stay together for the rest of our lives. Three months later, he is dead. Herbert was a BASE Jumper. Leaping off a cliff with nothing but a parachute, he loses his balance, slams into the rock face and falls to his death. His loss in the midst of my chemotherapy ... weiter auf imdb.com
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