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Willkommen in Israel
- Land:
- Israel 2005, 104 min
- Genres:
- Drama
- Regie:
- Eyal Halfon
- Drehbuch:
- Eyal Halfon
- Darsteller:
- Uri Gavriel, Evelyn Kaplun, Avi Oriah, Yossi Graber, Yoav Hayt, Raymond Bagatsing, Chedpong Laoyant, Marina Shoif, Evelin Hagoel, Gilya Stern
- Wertungen:
- 7.1 5.9
5 Russian girl are brought to Israel for prostitution,one of them (Jana) loses her bag near the border,she has her photos there...Zeltzer finds it,he has a farm in Negev (Israel's desert),where Philiphines works for him,they prepare for their king's birthday,for this purpose they want to catch animal,but it is forbidden and Yoav Aloni tries to catch them,he ... weiter auf imdb.com
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