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Der Tod in Sevilla
- Land:
- Germany 1913
- Genres:
- Drama, Short
- Regie:
- Urban Gad
- Drehbuch:
- Urban Gad
- Darsteller:
- Asta Nielsen, Paul Meffert, Martin Wolff, Frl. Portales, Herr Bird, Frau Alquaretz, Gayetano Alvarez, Manuel Espartero
- Wertungen:
- k.A. k.A.
Drama involving bull fighter Gayetano and his enamored girl friend Juanita. After a dramatic abduction by jealous rival Manuel, her following faithlessness to Gayetano climaxes with Manuel's death in the arena and her own demise by the hand of Gaeytano. - Poul, Denmark weiter auf imdb.com
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