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Der Jungfrauenwahn
- Land:
- Germany 2015, 87 min
- Genres:
- Documentary
- Regie:
- Güner Balci
- Darsteller:
- Ahmed Mansour, Zana Ramadani, Arife Yalniz, Seyran Ates, Christiane Tannhardt, Inna Schewtschenko, Beatrice Mansour, Dalil Babekeur, Sascha Laura Soydan
- Wertungen:
- 7.0 6.3
"The Virgin Obsession" - In traditional Islam, like in so many other religions, sex is something that is reserved for marriage. What does this mean for young Muslims living in western secularized societies? The film maker himself has had a free upbringing, as there are many who do not share. And the fixation of honor and virgin is far from just girls. We ... weiter auf imdb.com
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