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Cops - Verbrecher im Visier
- Land:
- United States 1989 - 2024, 30 min
- Genres:
- Action, Crime, Reality-TV
- Regie:
- Dale Dimmick, Gabriel Koura
- Darsteller:
- Ruben Barela, Andrew Fincher, Alex Cox, Heather Ashley Chase, Ryan Mann, Michael Roberts, Thomas Lynn, David Wehlermann, Mark Lindsey, Jeff Pittman
- Staffeln:
- 36
- Wertungen:
- 6.9 k.A.
This action-packed police show follows real-life law enforcement officers from various regions and departments of the United States armed with nothing but with a television camera to capture their actions as they perform their daily duty "to serve and protect" the public. Written by Bryan Hoch weiter auf imdb.com
Trailer bei YouTube
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