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Anti-Life - Tödliche Bedrohung
- Land:
- Germany, Canada, United States 2020, 92 min, ab 16
- Genres:
- Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
- Regie:
- John Suits
- Drehbuch:
- Edward Drake, Corey Large
- Darsteller:
- Cody Kearsley, Bruce Willis, Rachel Nichols, Kassandra Clementi, Johnny Messner, Corey Large, Callan Mulvey, Timothy V. Murphy, Johann Urb, Ralf Moeller
- Wertungen:
- 2.9 k.A.
On the cusp of fatherhood, a junior mechanic aboard an interstellar ark to New Earth must outwit a malevolent cosmic terror intent on using the spaceship as a weapon. weiter auf imdb.com
Trailer bei critic.de
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