Hier kannst du dich anmelden um Black XXX-Mas zu bewerten, kommentieren oder auf deinen Merkzettel zu setzen.
9.0Black XXX-Mas
- Land:
- Belgium 1999, 11 min
- Genres:
- Comedy, Short
- Regie:
- Pieter Van Hees
- Darsteller:
- Don Warrington, Rochelle Gadd, Manou Kersting, Hilde Wils
- Wertungen:
- 6.0 7.0
"Little Red Riding Hood" set in an urban jungle in the not-too-distant future. It's Christmas time, and Earth is God's Gameboy. Little Red puts on provocative clothing and heads for a night on the town. Her dad, after yelling at her, dons his Santa suit and leaves for work. Turns out he's a cat burglar. While he's in a fancy flat putting swag in his bag, ... weiter auf imdb.com