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Big Bad Man
- Land:
- United States 1989, 98 min, ab 16
- Genres:
- Action, Crime, Drama
- Regie:
- Carl Schenkel
- Drehbuch:
- Hampton Fancher
- Darsteller:
- Denzel Washington, James Fox, Mimi Rogers, M. Emmet Walsh, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Art Evans, Esther Rolle, Norman Beaton, Alex Colon, Robert Townsend
- Wertungen:
- 6.0 k.A.
When police officer Xavier Quinn's childhood friend, Maubee, becomes associated with murder and a briefcase full of ten thousand dollar bills, The Mighty Quinn must clear his name. Or try to catch him, which could be even trickier. - Renee Ann Byrd weiter auf imdb.com
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