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- Land:
- Germany, France, Turkey 2010, 103 min, ab 6
- Genres:
- Drama
- Regie:
- Semih Kaplanoglu
- Drehbuch:
- Semih Kaplanoglu, Orçun Köksal
- Darsteller:
- Bora Altas, Erdal Besikçioglu, Tülin Özen, Ayse Altay, Özkan Akcay, Alev Uçarer, Selami Gökce, Kamil Yilmaz
- Wertungen:
- 7.1 6.7
The young boy Yusuf's best friend is his father, who supports his family's modest life with the honey he collects from tall trees in the forests of the remote Turkish countryside. Yusuf is a quiet boy, and his mother is concerned for his future. Perhaps he will follow in his father's footsteps, or perhaps school will offer him other opportunities. But the ... weiter auf imdb.com
Extrem ruhig und extrem schön: Für Bal, den abschließenden Teil seiner Yusuf-Trilogie, erhielt der türkische Regisseur Semih Kaplanoğlu dieses Jahr auf der Berlinale den Goldenen Bären. ... weiter auf critic.de
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