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Asylum - Irre-phantastische Horror-Geschichten
- Land:
- Argentina, New Zealand 2020, 117 min, ab 18
- Genres:
- Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi
- Regie:
- Nicolás Onetti, Caye Casas, Alejandro Damiani, Andrew Desmond, Kheireddine El-Helou, Carlos Goitia, Mat Johns, Damien LeVeck, Adam O'Brien, Vincent Paronnaud, Albert Pintó, Denis Walgenwitz, Hendryk Witscherkowsky
- Drehbuch:
- Vincent Cloutier, Andrew Desmond, J.P. Ferré
- Darsteller:
- Raymond E. Lee, Clara Kovacic, Cristian Majolo, Bruno Giacobbe, Ariadna Asturzzi, Claudio Rusiecky, Claudio Medina, Gustavo Dalessanro, Pablo Vilela, German Baudino
- Wertungen:
- 4.7 5.8
Struggling comedian Brandon is determined to get through one final show. As the night progresses he starts to relate to his subject matter and slowly wins over his crowd. His final bit was killer, but was anyone left to appreciate it?? - familyguy-74726 weiter auf imdb.com
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