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- Land:
- Soviet Union 1929, 93 min
- Genres:
- Drama, War
- Regie:
- Aleksandr Dovzhenko
- Darsteller:
- Semyon Svashenko, Georgi Khorkov, Amvrosi Buchma, Dmitri Erdman, Sergey Petrov, M. Mikhajlovsky, Aleksandr Evdakov, Luciano Albertini, Nikolai Kuchinsky, Pyotr Masokha
- Wertungen:
- 7.2 7.4
Set in the bleak aftermath and devastation of the World War I, a recently demobbed soldier, Timosh, returns to his hometown Kiev, after having survived a train wreck. His arrival coincides with a national celebration of Ukrainian freedom, but the festivities are not to last as a disenchanted. - Mr Bongo weiter auf imdb.com
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