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Liebe versetzt Berge - Alpenglühen 2
- Land:
- Germany 2005, 88 min
- Genres:
- Comedy, Romance
- Regie:
- Hajo Gies
- Drehbuch:
- Thomas Kirdorf
- Darsteller:
- Christiane Hörbiger, Götz George, Sonja Kirchberger, Miguel Herz-Kestranek, Juraj Kukura, Brigitte Janner, Oliver Mommsen, Anton Pointecker, Wolfgang Kühne, Rainer Luxem
- Wertungen:
- 5.7 4.9
The first intoxication of love gives way to a kind of high-altitude fever for Hannes: the air at 1800 meters altitude is slowly becoming too thin for the Hamburg sea dog. He misses the sea air and the sound of the sea - and of course his fish trade. When the picturesque idyll in the alpine heights finally got to be too much for him one day, he decided to ... weiter auf imdb.com
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